
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Messias / Christos - The Anointed One

John 1:41 (NIV)
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, "We have found the Messiah" (that is, the Christ).

John 4:25 (NIV)
The woman said, "I know that Messiah" (called Christ) "is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us."

3323. Messias

Strong's Concordance
Messias: Messiah, the O.T. title corresponding to Christ
Original Word: Μεσσίας, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: Messias
Phonetic Spelling: (mes-see'-as)
Short Definition: Messiah
Definition: Messiah, the Anointed One.
HELPS Word-studies
3323 Messías – literally, "the anointed one," referring to Jesus as the Christ – supremely empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish all of the divine plan.
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
of Hebrew origin mashiach
Messiah, the O.T. title corresponding to Christ
NASB Translation
Messiah (2).
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 3323: Μεσσίας

ΜεσσίαςΜεσσιου (cf. Buttmann, 18 (16)), Messiah; Chaldean מְשִׁיחָא, Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, equivalent to Greek Χριστός, which see: John 1:41 (); . Cf. Delitzsch in the Zeitschr. f. d. luth. Theol., 1876, p. 603; (Lagarde, Psalt. vers. Memphit., 1875, p. vii. On the general subject see especially Abbot's supplement to article Messiah in B. D. American edition and references added by Orelli (cf. Schaff-Herzog) in Herzog 2 under the word to Oehler's article) 
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
the Messiah, Anointed One
Of Hebrew origin (mashiyach); the Messias (i.e. Mashiach), or Christ -- Messias.

see HEBREW mashiyach

5547. Christos

Strong's Concordance
pseudochristos: a false Christ or Messiah
Original Word: ψευδόχριστος, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: pseudochristos
Phonetic Spelling: (psyoo-dokh'-ris-tos)
Short Definition: a false Christ
Definition: a false Christ, pretended Messiah.
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from pseudés and Christos
a false Christ or Messiah
NASB Translation
false Christs (2).
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 5580: ψευδόχριστος

ψευδόχριστοςψευδοχριστου (ψευδής and χριστός), a false Christ (or Messiah) (one who falsely lays claim to the name and office of the Messiah): Matthew 24:24Mark 13:22. 
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
false Christ.
From pseudes and Christos; a spurious Messiah -- false Christ.
see GREEK pseudes

see GREEK Christos


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