
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Bible Intrepretation

To understand the Word of God requires us to interpret it.

Bible interpretation is not a solitary science but is a link in the chain of related sciences.

a) Canology
Determining the sacred books which measures up to the standards of Divine inspiration and thus make up the Bible. Protestants recognize 66 books. Apocrypha is not included.

b) Historical criticism
Determining the authorship, date, historical setting, authenticity of contents and literary unity of the books.

c) Textual criticism
Determines as accurately as possible the original wording of the inspired text. The task is complicated by the fact that the original manuscripts no longer exists. Copies that exist are many and vary in quality.

d) Biblical theology
The compilation, categorization and summarization of Biblical doctrines.

e) Hermeneutics
The careful, systematic study of the Scripture to discover the original, intended meaning. It is an historical task to discover the original intent of the word of the Bible to the original recipients. What is God saying to them?

f) Exegesis
The application of the original intent of scripture to present context. What is God saying to us today?

Taken from Hope Church WFL Manual: Interpreting Scriptures.

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