
Friday, May 5, 2017

Basic Process of Salvation

There are a few school of thoughts about the process of salvation.
It's also called Ordo Salutis.

I will try to attempt to summarize and compare it.

1. Election-God’s choice of people to be saved

2. Gospel call-the proclamation that God uses to open the ears of sinners

3. Regeneration-being ‘born again’ or being ‘born of above’

4. Conversion-repentance and faith

5. Justification-being made legally right in God’s sight

6. Adoption-the Father brings us into His family

7. Sanctification-right conduct of living

8. Perseverance-God keeps you

9. Death-we go to be with the Lord

10. Glorification-we are given resurrection bodies at His return

The other process are in below... still in progress of summarizing it...

Foreknew - It begins before time when God foreknew some in a saving relationship

Predestination - God choosing those he knew in a saving relationship to be conformed to the image of his Son—to look like Christ

Justification - Declaring them righteous


Election - that eternal act of God whereby He, in His sovereign good pleasure, and on account of no foreseen merit in them, chooses a certain number of men to be the recipients of special grace and of eternal salvation

Predestination - “to mark out beforehand

Adoption - placing as a son

Sanctification - 
a) Positional sanctification - This is the believer’s position or standing before God, based on the death of Christ. In positional sanctification the believer is accounted holy before God; he is declared a saint.

b) Experiential sanctification. Although the believer’s positional sanctification is secure, his experiential sanctification may fluctuate because it relates to his daily life and experience.

c) Ultimate sanctification. This aspect of sanctification is future and anticipates the final transformation of the believer into the likeness of Christ. At that time all believers will be presented to the Lord without any blemish.

1. Is it really important to know the process? As log as we are saved, that should be OK right? What  do you think?
2. Why is it important to understand the process?

Fred Sanders: Soteriology


Do you have any comment about the process of salvation? Let us know your comments below. 

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