
Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Power of Discipleship

The Power of Discipleship

1 Peter 5:2-3 (NLT)
2 Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. 3 Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example.

1 Cor 4:15
15 For even if you had ten thousand others to teach you about Christ, you have only one spiritual father. For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you. 16 So I urge you to imitate me.
17 That’s why I have sent Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord. He will remind you of how I follow Christ Jesus, just as I teach in all the churches wherever I go.

Discipleship is one of the most important thing that Jesus have ever commanded us to do.
This is the central focus of our faith.
In Hope Church, Discipleship is our DNA.
For us to impact the world, we need discipleship.
Through discipleship, leaders / missionaries / church planters are built and trained.

And only through of discipleship, a new generation of young people can rise up for the cause of God.
And when a generation rise up to their call, a nation can be changed for Christ.
Because of discipleship, new campuses can be conquered for Christ.
Because of discipleship, there will be worshippers and not just singers in church.
Because of discipleship, there will be followers of Christ, and not just fans of Christ.
Because of discipleship, there will not be just performers, but people that will stand on the truth - we do not just perform our religious duties, but will stand on the Word of God no matter what is the situation.

Yesterday we had a leadership meeting, and a sister told us, there are many Christians in her company, but they are not living  like what a disciple, because instead of making an impact for Christ,  she said they invited her to go clubbing.
We are not here to judge, but we I believe God do not just want us to be a believers, but be a disciple.

So what is discipleship?

Before I start sharing about what is discipleship, let me start by sharing what discipleship is not.

And I want to say this:

Discipleship is not a program.

Discipleship is not about

  • Just gathering in a group - fellowship
  • Singing songs together - we do this in church / LG
  • Merely attending a Bible class or listening to a sermon
    • Because many time when we go to a class, we listen, learn, and leave. If you are come, listen and leave, you are merely doing religion. But Christianity is not a religion. Therefore we cannot do religion. We are not called o do religion, but to do life.

So discipleship is not just merely a program.

In the Bible, the word disciple occurs 269 times in the New testament, but the word Christians only appear 3 times.
God do not want us to carry a label of a Christian, but to be a disciple.

What is a disciple?
  • The word disciple in the Greek is called mathētēs which means “student,” “pupil,” “apprentice,” or “adherent,”

The primary meaning of the word disciple is “learner” or “pupil”.
But you need to be very clear about this.
The student in this context is different.
A disciple was one who was in a committed relationship with a teacher as a student.
The commitment was not to the “subject” as is the case today in our modern education system, the commitment was to learn from the master, by being committed to him.
It was a very personal committed relationship.
When you learn Algebra in your school, you objective is to learn Algebra.
To be good in Algebra.
To learn the subject.
But in this context, this is not how we define discipleship.
But discipleship is about becoming like the Algebra teacher.
The aim is to be the Algebra teacher, not just a person that is good at Algebra.
It’s a different thing.
If you want to become like a Algebra teacher, you need to be a teacher.
You need to teach effectively.
You want to know the why and how, not just the what.
And if the teacher is very good, you want to know his secret.
You want to get close to him, and learn his secret recipe.

There are two things here, learning the subject well, and learning to be a teacher as well.

This is the context of student / disciple in the NT.
Is to become like the master / teacher / shepherd.
Jesus is our chief shepherd, and we are to follow him wholeheartedly.

Matt 10: 24-25
24 “The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master.
25 It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters.

A disciple of Christ is a person who who is committed become like Christ.
The goal of discipleship is to become more like Jesus Christ.
In Our Mind
In Our Character
In Our Conduct
In Our Relationship
In Our Service
In Our Influence

How do you be a disciple?

  1. Follow God Closely

Eph 5:1-2
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us

To think, to speak like Jesus, and to behave like Jesus.
It is to become a replica of another person, of the master.
To follow God.

It’s about being transformed and renewed in your mind.
Romans 12:1-2 - It’s about not being conform, but be transformed.

But to be a disciple, you need to be discipled closely with the master.

Matthew 9:9
9 As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him.

So Matthew was busy growing his money.
Busy with building up his career, building up his future and his success.
But Jesus knows what is the best for Matthew.
Because the best is not just merely to follow and chase after your dreams, but to follow and chase after Jesus.

Jesus knows what is the best for you.
That is to follow and chase after Jesus.

To be a disciple, we cannot learn fro afar.
We need to learn closely with the master.

Closeness brings understanding.
Not long distance relationship, a close relationship.
A believer that is not close to Jesus will not benefit.
You need to stay close.
Every time you come to a  gathering, or Sunday service like today, your goal is to come closer to  Jesus.
Come to service, and listen to His heartbeat.
Say God, I want to listen to you today.
How do you want me to be transformed today?
How can I apply what I am learning today?
James - be a doer, not just a listener. 

How to be a disciple?
Follow Jesus Closely!

2. Imitate Your Leader

  1. Imitate his leaders.

Hebrews 13:7
Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

1 Cor 11:1 - book written by Apostle Paul
1 And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.
2 I am so glad that you always keep me in your thoughts, and that you are following the teachings I passed on to you.

God put and raise up many good leaders in your midst, so that they can help and guide us.
So that those that have experience and a sound teaching can guide and teach in in our faith.

Now, don’t get me wrong here, I am not asking you to worship bro Kok Mun.
But to meditate on the teachings by your leaders.
The Bible says consider - put it into good thought and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you.
To ponder on the encouragement and challenge by your leaders.

Do you know that there is a group of people in the Bible that will study whatever that is being preached to them. (Acts 17:11)
Their commitment of growth is high.

The NT shows many instances where God used leaders and shepherd to teach his people into maturity.

Titus 2: 1-8
This is a letter written by Paul to Titus, teaching him how to teach others.
Paul is guiding him, how to shepherd the leaders and the shepherds.

Follow a earthly shepherd.
You must follow your leader!
In this church, we practice discipleship intentionally.
We will assign shepherd in our church, someone that will be able to guide you spiritually.
The shepherd will teach you, and be there for you.

Listen to their teaching as they are preaching the Word of God to you.

For Discipleship to Happen Effectively, you need to be committed to follow Jesus.
You need to be committed to imitate your leaders in their faith.

Why Do We Need to Be Discipled?

Point 1
Intentional Discipleship Brings Maturity

A shepherd can encourage us when we face faith issue in our life.

The founder of Navigators - Dawson - was a great evangelist.
He stayed in the US.
One of the way he always used to to give hitchhikers a ride.
One day, as usual, he saw someone on the road, and decided to pick him up.
When that guy got into the car, he was not one polite gentlemen.
He curse and swore.
Thinking that this is person is not a believer, Dawson wan to hand him a gospel tract.
But as he try to do that, both of them stat to realise, hey, I see you before.
In fact, Dawson shared Christ to this guy about Jesus one year ago and he accepted Christ.
But nothing changing within him.

Having a mentor and a shepherd in our life, can walk us through the Word of God.
The shepherd can guide us through difficult moment in our life, especially in this journey of faith.

Point 2
Intentional Discipleship can guide us when we are lost

Sometimes as sheep, we can be lost.
And we can lost many many times.
We can be lost in our faith, emotion, finance, relationship and many many more.

1 Cor 4:15
15 For even if you had ten thousand others to teach you about Christ, you have only one spiritual father. For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you. 16 So I urge you to imitate me.
17 That’s why I have sent Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord. He will remind you of how I follow Christ Jesus, just as I teach in all the churches wherever I go.

The church of Corinth was lost in faith. They have been influenced by the world.
And Paul is asking them to remember what that have been taught to them.

John Wesley history was not all high.
Even though the Methodist movement has been very successful, but his life was changes when he met a German missionary and pastor, Peter Bohler. 
Pastor Peter guided the Wesleys in the area of faith

We can be lost in our emotion.
Recently i had a shepherding session with my shepherd.
And he tole me, hey Karlock, are you ok?
This is not your usual look.
You seem to lose your joy bit.
And he encouraged me.
Ask me not be overwhelmed by life and ministry.

We need someone to guide us.
Life is not all up, they there could be down season as well.

Point 3 
Intentional Discipleship can bring glory to God

John 13:35
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Matt 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

The reason for discipleship is for us to be changed from glory to glory.

The reason God want us to be changed is not for us to show the world how great we are.
It is for the world to see how great our God really is!

It is for the world to see, that God can change a person that is far away from God, and even use him for the glory of God.

Apostle Paul, was a persecutor of Christian.
Before he became a believer in Jesus, his name was Saul.
His mission is to end the spreading of the gospel.
But one day, Christ revealed himself to Saul.
From that day on, his life was never be the same again.
God gave him a new purpose. To win souls.
To bring God glory.


To be a disciple, we need to be committed to grow and be mature.
We need to stay to God closely.
We need to be committed to discipleship.

Make no mistake about this.
The reason we do discipleship is not just to make our church bigger, so that we can have a bigger budget and build a bigger church building.
It’s not that so we can have a bigger band and a more flashy lighting.

Intentional Discipleship is all about bringing glory to God.

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