
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Bible Questions

Bible Questions

  1. How many chapter is in the book of Numbers?
    1. 36 chapters
  2. When was the first time Jehovah Jireh was being mentioned?
    1. Gen 22:14
    2. After God says to Abraham that he do not need to sacrifice Isaac
  3. What was being created on the 5th day?
    1. Great creatures of the seas
    2. Winged bird
  4. Who was Moses mum?
  5. What is the dimension of the Noah’s Ark?
    1. 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, 45 feet high
  6. Who was Eve’s second son?
    1. Abel
  7. Who was Enoch’s father in Genesis chapter 4?
  8. Adam lived for how many years?
    1. 930 years
  9. Who was Noah’s dad?
    1. Lamech
  10. What are the names of the Noah’s 3 son?
    1. Shem, Ham, and Japheth
  11. During the flood at Noah’s time, the rain last for how many days and night?
    1. 40 days and 40 nights
  12. The water flooded the earth for how many days? (Gen 7)
  13. Who was the father of Canaan?
    1. Ham (Gen 9:18)
  14. Who was the father of Abram?
    1. Tears (Gen 11:27)
  15. How old was Abram when he set out fro Haran?
    1. 75 years (Gen 12:4)
  16. Complete this verse (Gen 15:6):
    1. Abrams believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness
  17. Who was Ishmael’s mother? (Gen 16:11)
    1. Hagar
  18. Abimelech is the king of what location?
    1. Gerar (Gen 20:2)
  19. Abraham and Sarah had a son names Isaac. Isaac was circumcised after how many days he was born? 
    1. 8th days (Gen 21:4)
  20. Name the twins in the Bible
    1. Jacob and Esau (Gen 25:24)
  21. What was Jacob’s dream about?
    1. About a stairway with angels ascending and descending (Gen 28:12)
  22. Who was Laban’s grandfather?
    1. Nahor (Gen 29:5)
  23. Name both the daughter of Laban
    1. Leah and Rachel (Gen 29:16)
  24. Who was Joseph’s mother?
    1. Rachel (Gen 30:22-24)
  25. Jacob has how many wives?
    1. 4 wives (Gen 35:23-26)
  26. Pharaoh gave a different name to Joseph when Pharaoh asked him to in charge of whole Egypt
    1. Zaphenath-Paneah (Gen 41:44)
  27. Moses comes from which tribe?
    1. Levi (Exo 2:1)
  28. Who was Moses’ father in law
    1. Reuel (also known as Jethro) (Exo 2:18)
  29. Who is Moses’ wife?
    1. Zipporah (Exo 2:21)
  30. Where was the burning appeared to Moses?
    1. Horeb (Exo 3:2)
  31. Who was Aaron’s father? (Also Moses’ and Miriam father)
    1. Amran (Exo 6:20)
  32. How old was Moses when he spoke to Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery?
    1. 80 years old (Exo 7:6)
  33. Aaron is older then Moses by how many years?
    1. 3  years (Exp 7:6)
  34. What is the first plague from Moses to Pharaoh?
    1. Water turned to blood
  35. How long was the Israelites stayed in captivity in Egypt?
    1. 430 years (Exo 12:40)
  36. When Moses and Joshua defeated the Amalakites, Moses built an altar. What is the the name of the altar?
    1. The Lord is my Banner (Exo 17:15)
  37. What is the 9th commandment in th 10th Commandment?
    1. THOU shall not give false testimony 9exo 20;160
  38. The ARK of the Covenant is made from what type of wood?
    1. Acacia wood (Exo 25:10)
  39. What is to be put inside the Ark of Covenant?
    1. Ark of Testimony (Exo 25:15)
  40. The Israelites come out from Egypt on which calendar month ?
    1. Abib (Exo 34:18) / (later called Nisan)
  41. The 7 Holy Furnishings in the Tabernacle
    1. Altar of Burnt Offering (Exo 27:1)
    2. Laver (Exo 30:18)
    3. Table of Showbread (Exo 25:23)
    4. Lampstand (Exo 25:31)
    5. Altar of Incense (Exo 30:1)
    6. Ark of the Covenant (Exo 25:10)
    7. Mercy Seat (Exo 25:17)
  42. Name the 5 Type of Offerings in the book of Leviticus
    1. Burnt Offering
    2. Meal Offering (Grain Offering)
    3. Peace Offering (Fellowship Offering)
    4. Sin Offering
    5. Trespass Offering (Guilt Offering)
  43. Name two of Aaron’s sons that were consumed by the fire of the Lord
    1. Nadab & Abihu (Lev 10 1)
  44. A newborn baby is circumsised after how many days after born?
    1. 8th days (Lev 12:3)
  45. Name the 7 feasts of the Israelites
    1. The Spring Feasts
      1. The Passover
      2. Unleavened Bread
      3. First Fruits
      4. Pentecost (The Feast of the Weeks)
    2. The Fall Feasts
      1. Trumpets
      2. Atonement
      3. Tabernacle (Booths / Ingathering)

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