
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care
  • Why
  • What
  • How
  • Who

Vertical Relationship will ensure a healthy horizontal relationship

EBA = Emotional Bank Account.

What do you think of when we talk about relationship?


Why is Relationship is Important?
  • We are created for connections
    • We are social people
    • It’s not good for man to be alone
    • We need to have good friendship
    • We have a longing for belonging
    • Have you ever why people wear something with brand?
      • We feel value
  • Connections balance our lives
    • by yourself, you tend to go extreme
    • we might go astray
    • we will have a better perspective
    • alot of one another in the bible - at least 58 times
  • Connections gives us strength
    • emotional strength
    • physical strength
    • when you know other people has gone through it before, it makes us to able to go through it

But though we are so connected through technology, but we are more disconnected than ever.

Why we need the church?
Because the relationship in the church is different from what you can get from the world.
Only one thing that will last forever is the family of God.

Why Pastoral Care is Important?

  1. It connects me to God’s eternal temple
    1. It will last forever
    2. 1 Cor 3:16
    3. Eph 2:21
    4. Eph 2:22
  2. It connects me to Christ’s body
    1. Eph 1:22-23
    2. Eph 4:25b
    3. Romans 12:4-5
      1. Church has many parts
        1. We are all like the jigsaw puzzle, when 1 pc is missing, you will look it
        2. prominent is not equal to significant
        3. Col 2:19 

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