
Friday, September 15, 2017

Setting Goals

Jim Rohn
1. Personal Development
2. Financial Goals
3. Family Goals
4. Spiritual Goals

Need to work hard on your goals.
Making Plans.
Write down your goals - it shows that you are serious about your goals.
Don't just hope it.

Your goals will affect you.

Brian Tracy
Your morning rituals is important.
The 1st hour is important. Some people call it the Golden Hour. 
Read something uplifting.
Eat something healthy for your breakfast. Fruits and veges and protein.
Eat healthy will make you more alert and creative.

Plan the night before. Plan in advance.

Focus on 1 Big Goal
Put down 10 goals that you want to accomplish in the next 12 months.
Then ask yourself, among all the goals, which one will affect you the most.
Then it will become your major goals.
Work on it everyday.
Focus is the most important thing.

Guidelines in writing down your goals
- Write in present tense
- Write down in a positive tense
- Write down in a personal tense

Structure your goals as questions
- E.g. Ask: How can I start my own business?
Then write down 20 answers of how to accomplish it 

Identify your limiting steps
- What are the factors that are limiting the speed of achieving your goals?
Probably your self-confidence and your mindset.
Set your goals in timeline.

Take Action Quickly
Having good intentions is not enough.

Prepare in Advance
Plan the night before.
You bring your goals even to your sleep.

Reward Yourself

Start and Complete Task

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