
Sunday, September 10, 2017

Discovering Your Destiny

Here is a good presentation prepared by Karen Eng about Discovering Your Destiny.

Discovering Your Destiny

Part 1: Sharing on dreams, desires and talents
Part 2: How to handle office matters

What do you want  to do in the next 5 years?
What do you want to do in your life?

Maximize your talent.

Do I know my own talent?

Plan your own future.
Start now while you are young and set goal.
Commit your pan to God.
Need a mentor to guide you.

Escaping the Rat Race
- Becoming financially independent from employer

5 Steps to Escape the Rat Race
- Education
- Work full heartedly
- Saving
- Invest
- Business

- Acquire knowledge
- Make friends within your faculty and outside your faculty

Work Full Heartedly
- Choose a job that you are interested and gifted in
- Learn as much as possible
- Contribute as much as possible to the job
- Build good relationship with your colleagues
- Build a good relationship with your superiors

- Plan - budget and keep track of your expenses
- Living essentials
- Think before buying - Quality and Price
- Spend within your mean
- Practice - save 30% of the gross income

Delayed Gratification
- Discipline requires us to trade today's pleasure in exchange for tomorrow's victory
- Marshmallow test

- To create passive income
- Capital appreciation

Stock Market
- Invest in blue chip
- Capital appreciation

Landlord - collecting rentals
Freelancer - negotiator
Facilitator - commission earner
Agent - sole distributor
Trading - buy and sell
Service Provider - manpower
Buying an Existing Business - less risky than starting one from
Online business

Don't let your success become your god.

You may use part of your success to bless God's Kingdom and others.

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