
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Net Worth

Net Worth = Asset - Liability


God's Blessing is Without Sorrow

Proverbs 10:22

New International Version
The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, without painful toil for it.

New Living Translation
The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
The LORD's blessing enriches, and struggle adds nothing to it. 

etseb: idol
Original Word: עֶ֫צֶב
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: etseb
Phonetic Spelling: (eh'-tseb)
Short Definition: idol

I. עֶ֫צֶב noun [masculine] pain, hurt, toil; —
1 ׳ע pain Genesis 3:16 (of travail), Proverbs 10:22.
2 hurt (of mind), ׳דְּבַרעֿ Proverbs 15:1 a word that hurts(opposed to מַעֲנֶהרַֿךְ).
3 toil Proverbs 14:23; pluralלֶחֶם הָעֲצָבִים Psalm 127:2 bread of (gained by) toils; suffix עֲצָבֶיךָ Proverbs 5:10.
II. עֶ֫צֶב noun masculine vessel (as fashioned); — ׳י׳נִבְזֶה וגו Jeremiah 22:28 a vessel despised, etc. (figurative of Coniah = Jehoiachin). 


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Indicator of Wealthy People

The number one indicator of wealthy people is the saving rate!

Your compound rate can't work harder if you do not save.

Number One Indicator Of People Who Retire Wealthy - Dave Ramsey

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

How to Sale

1. Dominate, don't compete.

Be like Apple - create the best product like Iphone.

Be like Coca-Cola.

Be like Warren Buffet. Study them.

Competition is good for consumer.

Success loves preparation.

Don't just watch the news, but create the news.

Don't be over leverage.

Dominate yourself and get yourself away from the whiners.

Be in control. Be certain.

Be in partnership with someone that you can trust.

Biggest Problem:
1) Uncertainty
2) Obscurity
3) Not thinking of you
4) No persistance

The number of books being read by CEOs is about 5 books per month.

Change what you are reading.

Change what influence you are getting.

Everyone should be writing a book, so that people can know you.

Social media are your friends.

You need to make them to think of you. Don't let them to forget about you.

Have enthusiasm!

Success Formula
1) Attention
2) Criticism
3) Haters
4) Admiration

What would you do to attain the confidence?

Whats Greatness has in common?
1) Immerse
2) Dedication
3) Total Commitment
4) Duty Driven

Warren Buffer spend most of his time reading.


Immerse yourself with books, audio and video daily.
Test out your abilities with test, drill and assignments.

Do massive amount of actions. Be driven!

People will start paying when they see value exceed price.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Information vs Instruction vs Intimacy

The Bible has indeed many good information.

It's definitely has a lot of good instruction about good Christian living.

But the most important is to have intimacy in Christ.

Information without intimacy will make you a teacher.

Instruction without intimacy will make you a dictator.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Setting Goals

Jim Rohn
1. Personal Development
2. Financial Goals
3. Family Goals
4. Spiritual Goals

Need to work hard on your goals.
Making Plans.
Write down your goals - it shows that you are serious about your goals.
Don't just hope it.

Your goals will affect you.

Brian Tracy
Your morning rituals is important.
The 1st hour is important. Some people call it the Golden Hour. 
Read something uplifting.
Eat something healthy for your breakfast. Fruits and veges and protein.
Eat healthy will make you more alert and creative.

Plan the night before. Plan in advance.

Focus on 1 Big Goal
Put down 10 goals that you want to accomplish in the next 12 months.
Then ask yourself, among all the goals, which one will affect you the most.
Then it will become your major goals.
Work on it everyday.
Focus is the most important thing.

Guidelines in writing down your goals
- Write in present tense
- Write down in a positive tense
- Write down in a personal tense

Structure your goals as questions
- E.g. Ask: How can I start my own business?
Then write down 20 answers of how to accomplish it 

Identify your limiting steps
- What are the factors that are limiting the speed of achieving your goals?
Probably your self-confidence and your mindset.
Set your goals in timeline.

Take Action Quickly
Having good intentions is not enough.

Prepare in Advance
Plan the night before.
You bring your goals even to your sleep.

Reward Yourself

Start and Complete Task

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Discovering Your Destiny

Here is a good presentation prepared by Karen Eng about Discovering Your Destiny.

Discovering Your Destiny

Part 1: Sharing on dreams, desires and talents
Part 2: How to handle office matters

What do you want  to do in the next 5 years?
What do you want to do in your life?

Maximize your talent.

Do I know my own talent?

Plan your own future.
Start now while you are young and set goal.
Commit your pan to God.
Need a mentor to guide you.

Escaping the Rat Race
- Becoming financially independent from employer

5 Steps to Escape the Rat Race
- Education
- Work full heartedly
- Saving
- Invest
- Business

- Acquire knowledge
- Make friends within your faculty and outside your faculty

Work Full Heartedly
- Choose a job that you are interested and gifted in
- Learn as much as possible
- Contribute as much as possible to the job
- Build good relationship with your colleagues
- Build a good relationship with your superiors

- Plan - budget and keep track of your expenses
- Living essentials
- Think before buying - Quality and Price
- Spend within your mean
- Practice - save 30% of the gross income

Delayed Gratification
- Discipline requires us to trade today's pleasure in exchange for tomorrow's victory
- Marshmallow test

- To create passive income
- Capital appreciation

Stock Market
- Invest in blue chip
- Capital appreciation

Landlord - collecting rentals
Freelancer - negotiator
Facilitator - commission earner
Agent - sole distributor
Trading - buy and sell
Service Provider - manpower
Buying an Existing Business - less risky than starting one from
Online business

Don't let your success become your god.

You may use part of your success to bless God's Kingdom and others.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Jim Rohn Inspiring Message

I always admire the encouraging and inspiring message by Jim Rohn.
Jim Ron is a believer.
He always inject biblical truth in His sharing.
He has talk about the story of Jesus the miracle worker, Peter fishing, the parable of the talent and few more.
His message is mainly about personal development.

Here are some of the those good one:

Friday, September 8, 2017

Preparation for Growth - How to Prepare for New Changes

How to Prepare for New Changes

To prepare for something new, we need to be prepared for changes.
Changes may not be easy, comfortable and smooth.
But it is so imporant and necessary.

Growth required changes. We cannot always stay at the same level.
Old tyre require changes - else it could be dangerous.
Old method may not work. We may need to change.
Changes is necessary for better efficiency.

And when something changes for better, it's so nice.
Something fresh can happen.
When there is changes, sometimes you gain new perspective.
You gain new experience.

Why do I want to share this?
Because we experience changes almost everyday.
Sometimes it's everyday, sometimes it's for a season.
Even for this LG, it may be new to you.
It's a change.

Esther was not not expecting to be a queen.
The edict or order was issued to find a new queen, she just simply follow the flow.
From her ordinary life, now she need to learn to live in a palace.
She need to meet and have relationship with some strangers.
She need to learn new rules and regulation in the palace.
She need to know the dos and don'ts.
She need to change.

In our lives, we may need to faces differet type of changes.
Maybe in your study, you need to do something different now.
Your schedule is differet now.
You may need to work with different people.

Or something unexpected happen in your live that require you to change many things.

Or maybe in church, as you start to grow, you start to be involve with different new things.
Meeting new people.
Learning new things.

Change is inevitable.
Change is constant.
The only thing that is constant in life is change.

Do you like changes? Why?

How we should prepare for changes?

Not all people can handle changes.
Some handle it calmly, some handle anxiously.
Some handle it wisely, some not so wise.

We need to learn to handle changes.

1. Get ready ourself for changes!
- Be adaptable. Learn to be flexible. Learn to stretch out yourself.
- have faith - dont be fearful. Sometimes we are fear for change because we feel that we cannot make it. We fear that we will fail.
Many times, when we are doing something new, we have no experience. And we give ourselves this excuse that we are not equipped or not ready.

2. Be humble and learn
We may need to be ready to receive feedback.
Welcome feedback from your peers/friends/leaders/LG members.
Slow to speak and quick to listen.

James 1:19
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

Dont reverse it: Hot temper, fast to speak and never listen.

Be patient with other people's feedback.
Think about it.
Don't reject it straightaway.
Consider and ponder.
Ask questions.

Why do you think God bring changes in our life?
What are some big changes that you are facing now and what you have learnt from it?

How do we deal with changes?

3. Be strong and courageous
Deut 31:1-8
Joshua 1:1-5

God is preparing Joshua for something new and big.
Joshua need to move into a new land.
So God is assuring him that He will be with him.
And God said in Joshua 1:5 - No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life.

4. Do not be anxious
Philipians 4:6-8
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Stay calm. Stay in the presence of God.
Do not worry.
Don't be just frustrated.
Don't be angry.

Ask God to give you the peace.
Transcends: It is better than understanding.

We also need to be reminded, that seasons/circumstances may change, but our trust and belief in the Lord shall not change.

New thing requires changes.
Let's embrace changes and grow.

When circumstances changes, we need to change.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Important Things to Consider about Time Management

- Time - the most important asset
- Minimalism
- Organisational - reduce the mess so that you can creatively messy
- Perspective vs Control matrix - captain and commander mode
- In between time issue
- Priority (attention)
- Knowing Your Purpose
- Forming your Habits
- Understand the Values - will it make you happy? Involve emotion.
- Is it worth it? Then you will be self-motivated. Your paradigm.
- Wisdom about decisions.
- It's about Self Leadership
- Efficiency vs Effectiveness
- Assemble Your Team
- Leverage - Using Other People's Time (OPT)
- Mentoring the next generation - investing time for more time
- Beating the enemies - Procrastination. Settle it now.
- Get engaged immediately with something that you already have
- Agility Leadership - dynamic and flexibility
- Create a system - make it automatic (e.g bills, investment, church)

Generation Z: The Newest Batch of Students

Gen Z

From Here to There

Leadership is about leading people from "here" to "there".
~ Bill Hybel

Leading from Here to There Video Study by Bill Hybels - Session One

Your Most Important Asset

The most important asset and precious asset is your time.

It's no use if you go to a new year with an old mind.

Seize the moment!