
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Leadership Growth by John C Maxwell

There is a difference between good and greatness.

The result of greatness is in the result of the people.

1. The Law of Intentionality

Growth is the the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better.

There are 2 key questions that will determine whether you will be successful?

Q1. What are you doing to develop yourself?

You can not give what you do not have.

You better start by yourself, especially if you want to be a good leader.

Q2. What are you doing to develop others?

This is about compounding effect. It's about develop other people.

If you're going to grow you have to be intentional.

But we have problem called Growth Gap.

Assumption Gap. I assume I will grow automatically. Assumption is a big disappointment in life.

Knowledge Gap. I don't know how to grow.

John Maxwell spent US 799 to bought a success planner kit, but he only earned about US800 per month. But this kit eventually helped him to earned millions. It helped him to get started.

Getting started is the key to life.

Personal growth keeps me prepared.

You don't go into an opportunity. You grow into an opportunity.
If you are growing, you are always ready.
Personal growth is very important for you to be a good leader.

Everything in life that you're ever going to want is based on your availability to grow.

An Intentional Growth Plan

1. Make a commitment to intentionally grow.

2. Make that commitment public. Else it's worthless. Because we have a tendency to go astray. A shared commitment becomes a strong commitment.

3. Identify the areas you want to grow in personally. Where am I going to grow specifically? AT least 2, and no more than 5. Don't just focus on one. Grow in the area of choice and skill. Choice: attitude/discipline. Skill: Speaking.

4. Invest one hour a day in those two areas. Including Sunday. :)
How to do it: Preparation, Practice, Reflection.

E.g. For Communication. Is the speaker connecting with the audience? Observe, reflect and implement.

5. Invest one hour a week on reflection and writing on what you're learning. Start with jots daily. Then journal.

6. Share your growth with someone.
If the people you share is happy with what you share, keep sharing the next week.
If they are not happy, start moving. Don't share it with the people that are not thrilled with your progress. Drop those friends. Get some new friends. Get around with good people. Those who add value, complement you. They can multiply you. They can elevate you, though your skills never improve.

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