
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Leadership - The Law of Influence and Process

The Law of Influence:
You have achieved excellence as a leader when people follow you everywhere if only out of curiosity.

Story: Princess Diana.
Married with Prince Charles - 1 billion people watched the wedding.
She is active in many charity works. A truly caring person. She influenced many people.
Even when she divorced - she continue to do charity work.
When she dies - 2 billion people watched the funeral.

Leadership is not about the titleHaving a title doesn’t mean you are a leader.

4 Myths about Leadership.

1. The Management Myth.

CEO vs Leader - it is different.

Management make things go in order.
Manage the current. Remain in status quo.
Just ensure don't do the wrong things and don't do things wrong.
Focusing on making no mistake.
Making things effective.

Leaders, they changes things.
They do things that no one do.

2. The Entrepreneur Myth

Just because you started a business and make big profit, is not defining you as a leader.

3. The Knowledge Myth.

Knowledge and intelligent - not really define you as a leader.
Having high IQ is not necessary. the quality of leadership.
You can be a scientist but just work things alone and not involving other people.
In fact, many high IQ people are not a team player.

4. The Pioneer

Being the first doesn’t mean you are the leader.

Leadership is influence.
Leadership without leverage - if company  / military - it has leverage - has rank.
But church - it’s without rank.
This is leadership at its highest form.

Food for thought:
Are you influencing someone positively today? 
Are you influencing someone in the Kingdom of God?

Let be the salt and light for Jesus.

Matthew 5:13-16
13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 
15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 
16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

The Law of Process:

Leadership Develops Daily, not in a day.

Leadership - It is like investing in a stock market.

Story: There was an old lady aged 101 years named Anne Scheiber.
She lives in a small studio apartment. During her working days, she actually did not earn a lot.  
But when she died, she donated 22 million dollar to a university.
People was shocked of how she can have so much money to give to the university.
What happened was that she bought  some stocks when she retired at about 53 years old, and compounded it by dividend.
The investment grows through compounding.

Leadership is like investing - it compounds.

Leaders are not just born in a day.
You need to persevere and be patient.
Do not give up growing because the leadership journey is sometimes like a roller coaster.
Do not give up in the low season. Persevere and continue to trust God, and allow God to mould and build you up.
Know that the journey is long and you need to keep on moving forward. 

The secret of our success is found in our daily agenda.

Leadership is complicated - it has many facets.
You need to collect a lot of skills.
The longer you are in leadership, the better you will understand.
It's a process.

Leaders are Learners.

Growth and Leadership correlates.
It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from their followers.
It’s self-discipline and perseverance.
Leaders want to be better each day and be intentional about it.

The 4 Phases of Leadership Growth

Phase 1
I don’t know what I don’t know.

They do not know the value of leadership.
So they passed the opportunity.

Phase 2
I know what I don’t know.

You have position, but no one follow you.
And now you know that you need to start learning what you do not know.
You are conscious of the path of learning.

Phase 3
Grow and Know and It Starts to Show.

You now start your daily discipline.
You are very intentional in observing and learning.
You are hungry for growth. 
You pay the price.

Phase 4
It Simply Go Because of What I Know

Now it’s automatic.

To Lead Tomorrow, Learn Today.

Develop discipline.
Be better each day.
Be a man of action.
Take the time to polish your potential.

Food for thought:
What are the daily habits that helps you to grow in Christ?
What are the daily habits that helps you to grow in leadership?

Adapted From The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C Maxwell

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