
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

3 Circles of Wealth

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”
Benjamin Franklin

The 3 Circles of Wealth recommended by Guy Baker that every person need to be aware of and plan.

Wealth Accumulation

Wealth Succession

Wealth Preservation

Studies have show that households that plan their finance will end up more wealthy. So it's good to understand your finance and plan for it.

Knowledge Resources

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Malaysia EPF Rate for 2016

The EPF dividend rate for 2016 is just being announced.
It has drop as compared to 2015.

For 2016, the dividend rate is at 5.70%.
In 2015, the EPF declared a 6.4% dividend.

Members can check their EPF account statement for the crediting of the 2016 dividend starting Feb 19, 2017, through i-Akaun via the myEPF website at


Income Distribution in Malaysia

I always wonder what is the income distribution in Malaysia.
We always heard from the news that many EPF account holder do not earn enough to retire comfortably.

Malaysia has about 31.4 million people in 2017.
There are 30.7 million people in 2014.

According to the Economic Planningg Unit (EPU), about 45% of the population is earning at least RM5000 household income in 2014. That is not a very bad income. In 2004, there was only 16.8% of the population earning at least RM5000. Quite a huge improvement in 10 years.

The mean monthly household income of the top 20% by ethnic in 2014 is as below:
Bumiputera: RM12630
Chinese: RM17981
Indians: RM14605
Others: RM14732

The mean monthly household income of the middle 40% by ethnic in 2014 is as below:
Bumiputera: RM5190
Chinese: RM7049
Indians: RM5646
Others: RM5510

The mean monthly household income of the bottom 40% by ethnic in 2014 is as below:
Bumiputera: RM2367
Chinese: RM3127
Indians: RM2672
Others: RM2234

The top 7 mean monthly household income by state in Malaysia in 2014 is as below:
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur: RM7620
Putrajaya: RM7512
Selangor: RM6214
Johor: RM5197
Melaka: RM5029
Pulau Pinang: RM4702
Negeri Sembilan: RM4128


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) - Should You Invest?

ETF seems to be one of the less risky investment tools available.

What is an ETF?
It stands for exchange traded funds. This is a collective investment scheme like unit trusts but the difference is that the funds are listed on stock exchanges. You can trade – buy and sell – them throughout the market trading day.
Another key feature of ETFs is that they have an investment strategy that is index-based. For instance, a global emerging market ETF would buy component stocks of a global emerging market index in exact proportions of the component weights.
ETFs offer investors the opportunity to invest in a diversified list of assets with lower capital requirements.

Why Spending Carelessly Can Make You Bankrupt

Proverbs 21:17 ESV
Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich.

It's amazing that how we really spend money. We basically we do not really know how to control ourselves. The danger is, if we are not careful, we will end up in a very ugly situation. Someone said before, to become wealthy, it's not how much we earn, but how much we keep. We need to learn to keep our money. Be a keeper, not a spender.

Here are some of the examples where people spend carelessly, and end up in bankruptcy.

1. Mike Tyson
2. Kim Bassinger
3. Michael Jackson
4. Rapper 50 Cent
5. Nicolas Cage
6. M.C. Hammer

Be wise in your spending.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Compounding Interest

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.”
~ Albert Einstein ~

Should You Settle Your Mortgage?

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Making Wealth - by Brian Tracy


1. Spend less than what you earn.

Save and invest the rest.

2. Pay yourself first.

Start by saving 1%.
We are creature of habit. The saving habit will grow.

Delay and procrastinate on major purchases.
It's not how much you earn, it's how much you keep.
Rich people delay on the purchase on car 2 years after it's launched.

Building Wealth
Do more important things.
Do things faster.

Give more than what people want.

74% of self made millionaire start their own businesses.
5% of self made millionaire are sales people.
The rest are executives, where they work hard, get high position and buy their company shares.

Good quality of self made millionaire:
1. Honesty - build a reputation that people can trust you.
2. Self-Discipline
3 Getting well with people - likability
4. Have a supportive spouse
5. Hard hard work - start earlier, work harder, stay later
6. They do what thyey like to do 
7. The ability to sell their ideas / products - persuasive

Develop and practicing the above.

Why people don't become rich.
1. They thought that they cannot rich. They just need to believe.
2. They never decide to. Write it down in a paper what they need to do
3. They procrastinate. They have many excuses. Make a decision now. Open that account now.
4. They fear failure. They scared of losing money. The solution: start small.
5. They fear criticism / rejection. They do not want to start a new business because of other people's opinion.
6. They lack of long time perspective.
7. They lack essential knowdledge. They never read book on finance / investment. They need to continue to learn. Do homework. No good effort is ever lost.

They are 4 categories of people (by Robert Kiyosaki).
a. Employee
b. Self-employed people (free agent)
c. Entrepreneur (other people working for them)
d. Investor (leverage to generate income)

Wealth is income from other sources. They have money working for them whether they are working or not.

Personal Financial Planning

1.Set clear financial goal. Put it in writing. It has 10x the likelihood to become real. Set the annual income goal. E.g. Income to increase 25% per year.
Set Monthly saving goal.
Calculate your net worth (monthly/yearly). Keep on reviewing it.
Set the goal for your retirement. E.g. Put 20x the amount of your annual income. This is the basic calculation.

2. Analyse your current situation. Calculate Income / debt / net worth. If you sell everything now, how much you will get in cash.
Trimming - reduce your expenses. Don't use credit card. Pay cash in everything.
Delay and procrastinate on buying bigger item.
Evaluate your biggest expenses and reduce it.
If you have credit card debt, reduce that first.
Move in to a smaller apartment. Use the extra money you have to pay off the debt.
When you have money in your account, it gives you less stress.
3. Training. Add value to yourself. What one skill to double your income? Calculate your income by hourly rate. Think in term of per hour. What do I need to do to earn twice as much. Concentrate on the high value work. Apply the 80/20 rule. Work on the 20% that will contribute the 80% value.

4. Prepare to change job.

Starting a new business
1. Competence. Be very good that.

2. Customers. Focus on your attention to make sales. How to attarct customers?

3. Cashflow. Must preserve cash at all times. Demand payment quickly.

4. Study and learn every details of the business. Start small and expand out of your profit.

Sweat equity. Start by using hardwork.
Sales abaility.

Create a business plan before you starting.
Focus 80% of the time on sales and marketing. Just sale.
Practice frugality. Don't spend on office, on sales.
Cheap, cheap cheap.

5. Learn from every mistake / experience.

What about Real Estate?

It's future earning ability.
Must Positive cashflow.
Buy them , and fix them. Buy the cheap mortgage, fix it and and rent it out.
Learn how to DIY.

What about low / no money down?
It needs a motivated seller. It can be foreclosure.
100/10 Rule. Look at the 100 properties, choose 10, and offer 3, and buy 1. Try to call those that are advertised at newspaper.
Ask for 30% discount. Offer to pay cash.

What about commercial property?
Need to get good tenant. Solid business.

What bank are looking for to approve loan?
1. Credit Rating
2. Collateral
3. Cash flow
4. Commitment
5. Character

Stock, bond and mutual fund.
Good place to park money.

Sales, Earning and cash flow.
P/E ratio.
Look for those about P/E = 15.
Look for those are growing for the past 4 quarters.
Look for quality of management that are consistent.

Use Dollar cost averaging.
Invest the same amount every month.

Investigate before you invest.

Draw up a will.

Have all the insurance that you need.

Have this:
Perspective Orientation
Goal Orientation.
Result Orientation
Action Orientation - have a sense of urgency
Never give up

Part 2


Do you have too much to do but have too little time?

Clarification - about your values/vision for career, family, finance and health. With action and timelines.

Simplification - organise and simplify.

Maximisation - how to upgrade you key skills. Determine the additional skills.

Multiplication - leverage yourself (time, money, customer, experience). Delegate. Freeing up your time.

Jim Collin's Wisdom

The Hedgehog Concept

Jim Collins's Top 10 Rules For Success

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Power of Unity

Unity is very important in the Body of Christ.

Psalm 133:1 (NIV)
How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!

The Bible encourage us to be united.
As a church, we are not just having a social gathering, we are in fact a family.

We understand that each one of us are very important in God's eyes.
Therefore we need to accept one another, an be united no matter what.

The opposite of unity is disunity.
Disunity is one of the weapon of the enemy.
Disunity can bring great harm to the Body of Christ.
In one of the principle in the book Sun Tzu Art of War, it says: If united, separate them.

Sun Tzu Art of War - 31 Principles

In the battle, Sun Tzu only have 30,000 army, and the emperor ordered him to conquer the other nation that has 300,000 army. It is almost 10 times bigger the size.

Using that principle of disuniting the enemy, Sun Tzu won the battle.

Q & A - Brainstorm
Do you think the below can cause disunity?
Experience in life
Possession / Material

Do you think having the following criteria is having unity?
Sitting together
Doing things together
Living together

When there is unity:
It’s easier to get along

Q & A - Brainstorm
What can cause disunity?
Wanting to win too badly
No vision / direction

What is the effect of disunity?
No growth
Do not bring God's glory
Baggage (after hurt)

1. Which is the top 3 causes of disunity that can happen in church?

2. How can we be united despite of our differences?

When there is no peace (war), we will have no peace.

Don’t have war among ourselves.
There will be baggage afterwards.
Strive = disunity.

Psalm 34:14 - Pursue peace.
We need to be a peacekeeper.
Keep the peace.

We need to speak up when we are in crisis.
It’s not always good to keep everything to ourselves.

Luke 10:1-11

Do not fight.
Ask yourself this question: Do you want to be right, or do you want this relationship?

Agreement is not the condition of unity. 
Love is.

When we have unity, there is growth and power.
The mammals in Africa confuse the lion through unity. This is how they survive as a family.

Monday, February 6, 2017

How to Do Monthly Budget

It's always important to have a monthly budget to keep control of your finance,
Every successful budget need to be automated.

Here are a few tips to have a successful budget:

1. Pay yourself first. Always allocate a fix amount of saving before paying other expenses. Always remember, expenses is to pay others. Saving is to pay yourself first. This is the most important. The savings is guaranteed once you do this.

Wrong Formula: Income - Expenses = Saving
Correct Formula: Income - Saving = Expenses

If you use the wrong formula, you will never know how much you are saving each month, because we tend to spend a lot. Discipline is one of the hardest thing to control. By saving 20% of your income first, you now gain better control over your finance, automatically.

2. Make the saving automatic. Use Standing Instruction for your bank account. Use a separate account to keep your savings. (Savings account and account for saving is different thing). Recommend to perform Standing Instruction a day after you get your income. In this way, you have a created a system for yourself.


1st of Jan - Income deposited into your bank Account (Account A).
2nd Jan - Perform Standing Instruction to another savings account (Account B).

Do not touch Account B unless it is really necessary.

Spend only the leftover in Account A.

Standing Instruction Example for local banks:

Many type of payment are suitable to use Standing Instruction:
House Loan / Mortgage
Car Loan / Hire Purchase
Phone Bill
Internet Bill
Parent's Allowance

Standing Instruction can be used for monthly or yearly payment. Check with your respective banks for the features.

3. Record all the (major and important) transactions. Create an spreadsheet to keep record of your income, saving and expenses. It really makes a different when you can see on paper how you are using your money. Another good thing is that it gives you more confidence as you see your saving account grows. It also help you to evaluate how you are spending your money.

4. Don't lose money. It's important that you don't overspend or being penalized for late payment charges. Make sure you pay on time for credit card, house loan, car loan etc. Every ringgit saved makes a different. Losing extra money will increase your expenses unnecessarily.

For house loan and car loan payment, since it's a fix amount every month, just use Standing Instruction.
For credit card, as much as possible, do not use it, unless you are really sure you can handle it.

5. Delay gratification. One of the problem we have is that we always shop by impulse. It is really important that we do not be easily tempted to spend on unnecessary things. Always focus on the needs, and not just the wants. Probably being a minimalist is the best solution. Don't spend on things, spend on people. The immaterial is sometimes more valuable than the materials.

Here are some important items that you may need to include in your budget:

Gross Income - EPF - SOSCO = Nett Income

20% to 30% of Gross Income

Tithe / Charity
Parent's Allowance
All Loans
Transport Related
Room Rental

Sample of Good Budget Template:

Happy budgeting.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Speak to Win - Brian Tracy

One of the best communicator of all time is Brian Tracy.
The way he speak is indeed exceptional amazing.
He is clear, calm and precise to the point.

In my opinion, the objective of any talk is to inspire us to take actions.
Many of Brian Tracy's talks have inspired me a lot, and change the way I manage my time and goals.
He is practical, informative and straight to the point.

Here is a book by Brian Tracy about Speak to Win - How to Present with Power in any Situation.

How the Best Leaders Lead

This is one of Brian Tracy's book about leadership.

" Formal education will make you a living, self education will make you a fortune. "
Jim Rohn

Time Management

Here are some good resources about time management.
Mainly are free book taken from
Very good reading. Of course, the most important is implementation.
Setting up a system is very important.

Successful time management for dummies

Eat That Frog! 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time - Brian Tracy

Time Management for Entrepreneurs

Of course, the best book of all time:
The seven habits of highly effective people - Covey Stephen (1989)

Do not miss out these great lecture by Prod Randy Pausch as well:

Basic About Unit Trust Investment

Investment is important in order to grow our wealth.

Before we put our hard earned money in any type of investment, it is very important for us to have the right knowledge, strategy and plan. We need to have the financial goal in mind first before we commit to any investment. We need to be properly equipped with the fundamentals.

Unit trust is one of a good option for investors as well.

The government have been playing some active role in educating the public.
You can get many good info and training here:

By the Government

The Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM)

FIMM has provided some very useful products knowledge in below:

Do you know that the Security Commission Malaysia has provided a comprehensive guidelines about unit trust? This booklet below has a very solid info about unit trust. 

Invest Smart is a every good website. Occasionally they do have free seminar as well. This is a very good effort by the government to educate the public about investment.

This is a page by the government about PRS:

By Independent Financial Advisers

Information provided by independent financial advisers are quite good because they are not biased towards certain fund houses, and be able to give a generic holistic advises. Below link has some good video about unit trust. It has other good videos as well.

Whitman (by Yap Ming Hui)

For more technical understanding, which each one of us need, below link provided a lot of good resources. 

There are a few Corporate Unit Trust Advisers (CUTA) registered under FIMM (as of Dec 2015):

Learning Centre Platform

iMoney - this is one of the best learning platform about Unit Trust.

BFM Radio - what can be better than listening to the experts?

About Private Retirement Scheme (PRS)
With the tax benefit of PRS, it's important to know about PRS too:

Articles compiled at Financial Planning of Malaysia (FPAM)

Extra Resources (a lot of numbers)

Do you know that you can check and monitor your unit trust performance in the newspaper:

iMoney also has a page that summarize the unit trust performance in Malaysia

One of the criteria to assess the performance of the unit trust is through the Lipper rating. The Lipper Rating for Total Return denotes a fund that has provided superior total returns (income from dividends and interest as well as capital appreciation) when compared to a group of similar funds.

PRS Fund Investment Performance

Resources from misc links

Reading from other blogger (well, this is mainly opinions, so read with your own discretion)

Online Unit Trust Platform

Buying unit trust from online platform can save more on sales charge. watch out the periodic promotion. Sometime you can get 0% sales charge as well.

Meeting Face to Face with the Experts

Unit trust investment can be an active investment as well, depending on your strategy.
It's always recommended to get meet up the experts or professionals to seek their advise. 

The rule of thumb is to have a few, but not too many. Screen the best and continue to ask questions.
Never stop learning from others.

Extra Books to Read about Finance and Investment: